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The Complete Guide to Love Yourself, girl !

This is what I do best! Loving myself! Not because Im better, or wiser or prettier or more successful than other people but because I truly feel 'I am oh so ohsem! ' To me I am. What you think of yourself really matters and that will set the standard on how other people should regard you.

Only when you respect yourself than you would know how to respect others. This is what I do know. No doubt about it .

I never hate myself! I dont spend my days doing things I hate. It has been like that from the day that I turned 18. No one could tell me how to live or run my life .

At that time, there were no internet, no hi-tech computers or smart phones. I still remember my first computer though. Seriously bulky and could be used as a weapon. Well, walkie talkies were the only portable communication tools, if you want to categorize that as 'fashionable'.

I didn't exactly have the total freedom to do anything I like when I was 18 , I was still confined by what the society expected of me but my mind was free and I have the capacity to visualize what I wanted for my future ! So, I schemed and planned the life I wanted.

I wasn't one of those who planned goals to be a Millionaire, or to buy a Mercedes or to retire by the time Im 40 or to marry a rich man even. Nope.

At 18, I didnt have any specific plans but to do what felt good. 'Follow the good energy flow' (meaning I would not do things if it didnt feel right)

Yes I made some stupid mistakes but how else do we learnt!


But then, you always need PLAN B and C and D ...

Because life is so uncertain, u need to always evolved, money will come and go, people will come and go. So if you lose yourself you will have NOTHING !! So dont ever !

If you can call these 13 steps a complete guide, Im glad! Here goes: (why 13 you asked? seriously I have no idea)

  • When others made mistake - forgive but not right away. Learn ur lesson first.

  • If you made mistakes - forgive yourself.

  • Evolve and change. You are not an antique furniture.

  • Others opinions about you are not your problem. As long as you have done your best.

  • Learn new things consistently. It is so thrilling to be able to do new things well. ( I learnt how to play sitar and never regretted it although I discovered I didn't have much talents in musical instruments hihi )

  • In your eyes, you will always be beautiful.

  • Treat yourself good, always.

  • You only have one life, so live it.

  • Money is to be spent not to be counted . Use it to have a good quality life.

  • Whatever you own belongs to God so no need to gloat when you have ten Loius Vouitton bags!

  • Regrets are for those who think there are better than others.

  • We are who we are, dont you know?

  • Learn how to use make up correctly if you are a woman.

Well I dont get to retire when I got to the age of 40 and I must say, I may have earned my millions but probably spent most of it, but what I do know, I have achieved many proud happy moments by being myself .

SO dont worry be happy! You will be alright girl!

footnote: Feexa Nicoll is a Certified Image and Wellness Coach and also an Independent Sales Director of Mary Kay.



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