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BYOB: bring your own boots

Oh I love boots ! I have many , many boots. I live in Malaysia so it is kinda an anti climax thingy owning boots but no! I don't think there's anything wrong at all owning lots of boots.

I have short boots, ankle boots. long boots, pretty long boots, winter boots, summer boots and more. Some boots that I didn't use that much would be destroyed by the length of time but that didn't discouraged me at all to keep on buying them.

When it comes to fashion, I am a diva in my own world! I am comfortable of being in my own skin. If I accepted myself so should other people around me.

As an Image Consultant, many of my customers came to me and asked advise on clothing . Usually, my first question would be, "how comfortable are you being seen in this ?" and If their answer is "I am not sure, and I am scared of what other people might think of me." ho! ho! then what i would normally do is to ask her not to waste money hiring me as their Image Consultant. (Well err I don't usually say it like that, maybe a bit nicer la and of course I want her business as their Image Consultant , are you kidding me? (so I would sort of brainwash her to stop being a pushover and be the woman she should be !)

Seriously, if your outfit is good enough for you , it is good enough for anybody around you unless you are this crazy person who wears things inside out and looks like you came from the land of 'The Walking Dead' or the zombies ...

Wearing boots is about carrying an attitude. After all I feel a whole head taller and could pretend that I am on a catwalk runaway or something although I am no longer able to use anything that spells 'S.T.I.L.L.E.T.T.O'.

I have to admit the smaaaalllll tiny weeny heels couldn't carry my weight anymore hwaaaaa !!!



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