Finding your true colors in meditation ...
"And I'll see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors
True colors are shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow."
I promise to meditate daily. I am a yoga teacher first and foremost. 'Although you may see this blog as a fashion blog. But I haven't finished with it just yet. Soon this blog will be about both Image and Wellness. After all I am an Image and Wellness Coach.
My meditation master. Master Dhyan Vimal once told me that my work has to be my meditation . It has to have a hundred percent passion and compassion in it. No doubt about that. I spent years studying and trying to understand meditation and what is it is all about and in doing so, I have been on many self-discovery journeys .
A lot of people are so confused of the word 'meditation'. Yes if you know nothing about the word, then it will just be a word to you so you shouldn't assume what it is all about. Unless of course you look for the answer. Capisci?
Meditation can be described as many things: some of the descriptions are: to sit silently, to be with one self, to focus on the things you do, to think deeply and yes it could be described in many ways but most importantly, when you are intrigued to know what meditation is all about, you are on your way to knowing yourself better and to discovering the real YOU. You may then be able to stop following everyone else around you !
"Oleh itu kenalilah dahulu Diri anda dan insyaallah akan kenal lah anda akan Allah saperti Sabda Nabi junjungan kita" Barang siapa mengenal Diri nescaya kenal lah ia akan Tuhannya" .
Direct translation is : "know thyself and you will then know Allah and his glory " from the prophet Muhammad SAW.
Most people would shun things they don't understand. What they should do is explore all the natural remedies that one could learn to understand themselves better. Instead, and unfortunately, they trust other people's judgement and opinion about everything more than they trust themselves, although their instinct has told them otherwise.
Sadness and emotion expands from how well you control the two. From my observations over the years on my students, (and on myself included), I have created a module for my students on the steps to be taken on how one should be able to control their emotions so their lives would not be governed by these factors.
We are the only ones who can change what we want our emotions to be. In doing so, we are then able to free ourselves from insecurities, envy, low self esteem and more. Not others. We shouldn't even hold it on against our loved ones to find happiness. IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO US.
We are the only ones who can heal ourselves ! I do this because these methods have helped me tremendouly and I have stumbled upon this knowledge when I needed it the most, sometime ago .
Shouldn't I share it with others, now? Shouldn't you be intrigued to know more ?
But how many would have the privilege to choose things which are not obvious unless they stumbled upon it ?
Because people are not looking deeper into themselves. They are too busy looking at other things. The actual fact is, the very thing that they are looking for is the very thing they cant see ....
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